Profess Your Love Read online

Page 11

  “Alisa, I need this sent to human resources. I’m not sure to whom in the department. I assume you know.”

  Alisa scanned the entirety of the letter and cleared her throat. “Yes. I know,” she answered solemnly, still staring down at the resignation letter. “I’ll fax it to Maurice right away.”

  Rakell nodded. “Thanks.”

  On the way home, Rakell committed to sending a letter of inquiry to Penn. Hopefully the university needed a literature professor. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if she didn’t get hired there. Rakell was struck by a wonderful idea. Maybe I could teach literature or English in Amsterdam! That would be amazing! Soon Rakell was thinking over her dream of traveling through Europe. Money wasn’t an issue. She had a good amount of savings and a credit card she could use. Concerns about her age and relationship status had stopped her from considering the vacation seriously in the past, but a trip out of the country next month would be nice if she got fired before she could resign. Being 34 years old, divorced and single wasn’t going to slow her down. She’d kept up with a 23-year-old, hadn’t she? A summer getaway in Europe would put substantial distance between her and the decade of negative history written in Pennsylvania. She’d feel freer to be Rakell. And, who knows, she might find romance abroad.

  Rakell parked in her driveway and casually flipped Jerzy off as he drove by in his Camaro. She went inside, did some research online about travel agencies in her town, gave one agency a call and made an appointment with a travel agent for the next afternoon. Excited about her travel plans, she was itching to get out of the house. She called Darcelia to see if she might have dinner with her tonight.

  “Hey chica! How are you? Enjoying your cougardom?”

  “The thing with the kid is over. His balls haven’t dropped yet. Let’s go to dinner tonight, just us girls.”

  “Shit. How are you feeling, Kellie?”

  “I’m feeling like I want some Chinese food. Sound good?”

  Darcelia was quiet. She could tell her best friend needed her. “Yeah. That sounds good. I’ll ask Margaret to babysit for a few hours.”

  Rakell feigned a gasp of horror. “You wouldn’t dare. Won’t your mother-in-law throw the voodoo doll she has of you into the pot the next time she’s frying chicken?”

  Her friend sighed and laughed a little. “I’ll do what I have to do. I haven’t seen you in ages. I need some girl time. Let’s go to the spa first for a foot massage and a pedi.”

  Rakell remembered how Jerzy once offered to pay for a spa day for her and Darcelia. She rolled her eyes. Every little thing reminded her of Jerzy. It pissed her off. “I want a facial, too. Something to get the lingering crud out of my pores.”

  “Alright. I’ll meet you at Escape in an hour.”

  Rakell snacked on grapes and potato chips while she watched some television for a half hour. Then she re-glossed her lips, adjusted her hair, put on her leopard print shades and drove downtown to the spa.

  “Rakell, your hair! Your outfit! You look like you should be on a platter! Amazing!” Darcelia exclaimed when she saw her naughty teacher outfit. They embraced each other in front of the spa entrance.

  “Thanks. You look fabulous as always, Darcelia. I love the shoes.”

  Darcelia posed her feet to show off her suede electric blue wedges. She wore blue denim jeans that were cuffed at the ankle, a yellow button-down shirt and a Bohemian flower patterned fabric necklace with matching button earrings. The cherry on top was her signature curly pixie haircut. Her brown eyes were bright with anticipation. “What did you do? What did he do? I missed everything! Tell me, tell me!” Darcelia dragged Rakell into the spa and interviewed her as they received their pampering.

  “¿Qué diablo? He’s stalking you?”

  “Yes. I sure can pick ‘em.” She sipped her sparkling mineral water and shifted her weight to get more comfortable in the reclined heated massage chair.

  Darcelia pouted. Her face was painted green by a facial mask. “No hot young guys are stalking me.”

  Rakell laughed. “Stop.”

  “Okay, but, honestly, it sounds like he decided to end the relationship once all the drama started because he couldn’t take the heat, but he still cares about you. He’s worried about you. That’s why he keeps an eye on you.”

  “How does that benefit me? He gets to feel like he’s doing something nice for me. Meanwhile, I’m alone, I’m stressed out, I’m hurting, I miss him…” Rakell took a moment to rub her moist eyes and control the swell of her emotions. “I want him to go away so I can forget about ever feeling as though I needed him.”

  “I understand. If it makes you feel any better, I think he was a good influence on you while it lasted. He burst the cramped bubble you’ve been scared to come out of. I can tell that your attitude toward yourself and your future is brighter. You’ve got a spark in you now, a confidence that you didn’t have before.”

  Rakell was quiet, ruminating on the coincidence that Yuri Piotrowsky had made an assessment of his son so similar to Dee’s assessment of her. “Maybe. That spark you see is probably just my undying fiery hatred for egocentric little boys. Doesn’t the saying go ‘The best way to get over a boy is to find a man’?”

  Darcelia laughed. “Something to that effect. Ooo! You should go out tonight. Don’t let your sexy go to waste.”

  “I agree. I don’t want to go alone, though. It’ll be much more fun if we go together. How ‘bout it?”

  Darcelia frowned. “I can’t.” She then burst into tears. It caught Rakell off guard. “I’m such a lame-ass best friend,” Darcelia blubbered. “I barely call you. I hardly hang out with you.”

  Rakell reached over and squeezed her friend’s hand. “Dee, it’s okay. You don’t have to go out on the town with me every night to be my best friend. I know you’re busy. You’re a mommy, you’re a wife, and you’re an award-winning media writer.”

  “Exactly! I’m always Mommy or Honey or Ms. Hutchinson. I want to be Dee for one minute without feeling guilty about it!”

  “Dee, I’ve come to accept a new rule for making life’s decisions. If there’s something you want that would make you happy, and it doesn’t hurt anyone, you deserve to have it. Who are you hurting if you take some time for yourself once or twice a week?”

  “My babies and Neil.”

  “Do you honestly think that Ricky, Rex and Neil are going to cry themselves to sleep thinking ‘She doesn’t really love me. She went to the spa for two hours! How could she do this to our familyyyyy!’”

  Darcelia giggled. “Neil, maybe.”

  Rakell cracked up. “Neil is the only man I know who cries every time he sees an ASPCA commercial, but you know the man isn’t going to be hurt if you go out for a drink once every quarter. A happy wife means he might get some legs wrapped around him more often.”

  She laughed. “True true.” She sighed happily. “It’s settled then. Tonight, it’s on!”

  The girls had dinner at their favorite Chinese restaurant and then went home to shower and change. Rakell slipped into the red dress Jerzy bought her. It fit her perfectly and it would be a sweet revenge to net a bigger fish by wearing it.

  Rakell and Darcelia strode into the Blue Flame, turning heads as they walked to the bar. A live band was performing a rousing Latin jazz song. The girls enjoyed a drink and basked in the dim lighting and the appreciative glances from interested men. Rakell held Darcelia’s arm and pulled her out to the dance floor. Shy about dancing, Darcelia took a few minutes to loosen up. Rakell made sure to make her laugh by sometimes imitating the moves of bad dancers nearby. They enjoyed moving to the music, feeling sexy and feminine in their stilettos, wearing smoky eye shadow, lip gloss and hot dresses. Rakell kept a smile on her face even when sadness emerged. She’d forgotten about the unique way the silky fabric of the red dress skimmed her skin, bringing to mind the loving ways Jerzy used to touch her body. Rakell did her best to concentrate on spending time with her best friend and scoping out a new man to appreci
ate her company.

  Before their perspiration levels became unacceptable, the two women went to the bar for another drink and sat down on a comfortable, S-shaped blue suede sectional. Rakell and Darcelia weren’t the only people who’d enjoyed their dancing. A string of men introduced themselves to the two women. However, all of them were interested in Darcelia. Rakell couldn’t blame the dudes. Her friend was a beautiful Latina, inside and out. Rakell watched Darcelia let the gentlemen down easy, letting them know she was married. Rakell giggled at their disappointment and at the way Darcelia’s posture became straighter and straighter with each flattering comment. Rakell was sure the gorgeous guy heading their way would make Darcelia become as poised as a ballerina.

  He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with caramel skin, dimples in each cheek, and a fresh buzz cut. His black slacks and dark gray V-neck hugged his muscular body well. His male model looks were causing all the ladies in the club to dab drool from their chins with their napkins. He stood in front of Darcelia and Rakell, looking from one woman to the next, smiling, giving the full effect of his dimples and his hazel eyes. He stunned them with his British accent. “How are you doing, ladies?”

  The girls exchanged pleased glances. “Very good, thank you,” Darcelia smiled, her spine perfectly aligned. “Would you like to sit with us?”

  He looked at Rakell. “Actually, I was hoping I could have a dance with your friend here.” He smiled.

  Surprised, Rakell smiled shyly. “Sure, if you tell me your name.”

  “Gerald.” He held out his hand. Rakell placed hers in his. He kissed the top of her hand as she stood. “And yours?”


  “Happy to meet you, Rakell. May I say that you look stunning in that red dress?” His eyes trailed down her figure.

  “You may. With that accent you could tell me anything at all.”

  He chuckled. “You Americans are the ones with the accents,” he teased.

  Rakell looked over her shoulder at Darcelia and mouthed “Ay ay ay!” Darcelia made a kissy face and laughed. Gerald walked Rakell to the dance floor and immediately pulled her close. Rakell’s whole body blushed. They moved together to the alluring Latin rhythm of the jazz music. He was a smooth dancer. The beat inspired his motions and he was unafraid to caress her body. He touched the small of her back, felt out her hips and traced the length of her arms, all while hypnotizing her with his smoldering gaze. Rakell did her best to avoid looking at his eyes. And his mouth. And his dimples. After two songs, Rakell feigned being thirsty to exit the dangerous situation on the dance floor. Gerald went to the bar with her and bought a drink for each of them, including one for Darcelia. They returned to the couch where Darcelia was still sitting and began to converse. The women learned that he was 31 years old, born to a mother from Ghana and a British father of Italian descent, was well-educated, a personal trainer, a travel writer and occasionally a model. He was in Philly for a three-day vacation.

  He was funny and charming. Rakell welcomed the distraction from the drama of the last few days. His laidback personality and love of travel was refreshing. He seemed like a fun guy to meet up with during her Europe trip. Maybe he could be her romance abroad.

  “Kellie, I should head home now,” Darcelia pouted. “I miss my babies and I don’t want Neil to worry.”

  “Okay, Dee. Did you have fun?”

  “Yes, of course! Thanks to you.” Darcelia gave Rakell a hug. “Goodnight. You reeled in a big one tonight,” she whispered. “Have fun with this, ‘kay? Ciao.”

  “Goodnight, Dee. Drive safe.”

  “It was nice to meet you,” Gerald smiled.

  Darcelia blushed, nodded. “Bye.”

  Rakell sat with Gerald for a while longer, listening to his entertaining travel stories, but she was very aware of the time that passed as they talked. It was nearly 1 AM. The longer Gerald remained focused on her, the more nervous she felt. Finally, she had to wrap things up. “Gerald, I’ve enjoyed dancing with you and talking with you, but I think it’s time I called it a night.”

  “I must admit I’m not ready for my evening with you to end so abruptly. You are right gorgeous.” He skimmed her bare shoulder with his knuckles. He smiled. “Couldn’t we go to your flat and let the night continue to unfold?”

  Rakell was mesmerized by his sexy smile and gleaming eyes. “Um…” Rakell needed to see what other men had to offer so she could stop idolizing Jerzy and move on with her life. However, she’d never had a one night stand before. Would she regret it? His good looks, strong physique and dance skills suggested she wouldn’t.

  Gerald’s smile waned. “Rakell…I finally ended a long, maddening relationship back home before I took this holiday in the states. I’m all sixes and sevens right now, I’m a mess. I’m looking for a gal like you to take my mind off it, at least for tonight. Sex therapy, you might say. You have my word you won’t be disappointed.” His lips stretched into a seductive smile.

  Rakell nodded. “I think one of those therapy sessions would be good for me, too.”

  He grinned, then leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s go.”

  A few minutes later, the strapping biracial Brit was following Rakell’s car in his rental. Her palms were sweating as she gripped the steering wheel. When they parked in her driveway her heart was racing. I can’t believe I’m doing this. He is hot as hell. I better keep the lights off so he doesn’t see too much. She saw Gerald get out of his car. Rakell put on a confident smile and got out of hers. She hung onto Gerald’s left arm and walked him up the driveway. The hairs on her neck stood on end when her ears caught the sound of a Camaro’s engine. She looked over her shoulder and saw Jerzy’s car come to a slow stop on the other side of the street. Her breathing paused. For a few seconds she was ashamed and worried that Jerzy’s feelings would be hurt, but she immediately corrected herself. Good. That’s what he gets for being nosy and for being a lying chickenshit. She resumed breathing, led Gerald into the house and shut the door.

  Jerzy stayed late at the restaurant. He’d been having trouble sleeping and he had no urge to go home to his empty, quiet penthouse. The place was like a coffin when Rakell wasn’t there to brighten it with her smile and her big laugh. At around 1:30 in the morning he left his office at Smak. He decided to swing by Rakell’s house, because, as Rakell had put it, he was a stalker. Possibly getting a glimpse of her shadow against the curtain as she walked across a room in her home wasn’t even worth the pain of having to eventually drive away, but he made the trip anyway because it was better than nothing. As he neared her house he saw a stranger’s blue car in her driveway. He saw a man step out of the car. Rakell stepped out of hers, in the red dress. She looked beautiful. Delectable. Jerzy felt a stab in his heart as he watched her wrap her hands around the man’s arm in a way that wasn’t familial. Is that…? He saw Rakell look over her shoulder at his car. He couldn’t see her eyes in the dark, but her body language revealed a guilty conscious. Still she went into the house with the man.

  As he sat in his car watching the lights in her house turn on and shadows move across the window shades, his body burned with rage. His fists craved making contact with something hard; maybe with a wall or with her ex-husband’s jawbone. How could she throw him away like that? She moved on from him that quickly?

  And with your ex, of all people! I’m the one who comforted you while you cried over what that asshole did to you! I’m the one that respects you and would do anything for you! How could you wear that dress for him? I gave that to you. I give and I give and some other guy reaps the benefits. I told you how much that hurt me, but you’re doing it anyway. I’m so fucking tired of selfish bitches like you.

  Jerzy paused. It felt wrong to call her that. Why? She’s exactly the same as the other girls I’ve been with. Jerzy closed his eyes. Jaw clenched, he sighed. No she’s not. He turned off the car. He wasn’t going to let her go so easily.

  Gerald started kissing Rakell in the living room. She tried to kiss
him back and get excited about the handsome guy that was touching her, but her body was cold. The urge to cry burned at her eyes and her chest. She wanted Jerzy. Gerald took off his shirt, murmuring sweet nothings in his sexy British accent. He sucked on her neck and squeezed at her breast. She felt dirty and used. If she hadn’t seen Jerzy outside, maybe she would be enjoying herself. Rakell jumped at the sound of loud knocking on her front door. She knew who it was. She stared at her front door, wanting the interruption to escape Gerald but dreading a confrontation with Jerzy. The front door shook with another round of poundings.

  Gerald stared down at the side of Rakell’s face. “Were you expecting someone?”

  “Uh, sort of. I should…” Her voice trailed off as she went to the door. She steeled herself and pulled the door open. The shadow of Jerzy’s tall frame fell over her. His hand was on the top of the doorway. The sleeves of his white button-down were rolled up and his gray slacks were wrinkled from a long day at the office. His brooding green eyes met hers for a second and then shot daggers at the shirtless man standing behind her in the living room. She narrowed her eyes at Jerzy. “Yes?” she asked coldly.