Profess Your Love Read online

Page 9

  Jerzy drew in a slow breath. His lustful gaze intensified. The memory of taking Rakell while she was bent over her desk that afternoon excited Jerzy. He pressed his groin closer to hers.

  Rakell felt him against her thigh, growing, getting hard. She wanted to savor every inch of him. “I’m going to take care of you tonight, Jerzy.” She moved her thigh to brush across his hardness.

  Jerzy smiled seductively. “How so?”

  Her fingers softly gripped his hair. “I want to ride you. Nice and slow.”

  “You can have the reigns, Baby,” Jerzy whispered. He kissed her softly.

  Rakell had never dared to take control in the bedroom before. She was very excited that Jerzy was accepting. She wanted to be in control and she wanted to please him. Rakell kissed him, tasting his tongue and nipping gently at his lips. She broke the kiss and turned her back to him. “Help me out of this dress.”

  Jerzy carefully unzipped the back of her black dress. Slowly, Rakell pulled her arms from the sleeves and pulled the dress down her hips, enjoying that Jerzy was standing close behind her, watching. She felt his hands begin to unfasten her strapless bra. “No,” she said. She looked over her shoulder. “No touching. Just watch.” She reached behind her back and unfastened the bra herself. She pulled down her panties, slow and deliberate, arching her back a little to show off her ass. She heard him exhale deeply. She turned around to face him. His eyes appreciated her naked body, especially her chest. She stepped forward and he reached his hand out for her breast.

  She brushed his hand away. “I said no touching.”

  “You’re being cruel.”

  “I like seeing that you want me as badly as I want you,” she smirked.

  Jerzy shook his head at her, smiling.

  Rakell stepped closer, a few inches away from him. “Remove your clothes, please.”

  Jerzy unbuttoned his shirt, removed his shoes, removed his pants, and finally pulled off his boxer briefs. His member sprang forth. Rakell’s special place began to throb with need. She ran her hands up and down his sculpted body. Her palms rubbed down his taut nipples and his abdomen. She enjoyed the feel of his hot skin. Feeling adventurous, she grasped his hardness in her hand. She looked up at him as she tentatively ran her fingers along his shaft. Jerzy tensed and an agreeable groan rumbled in his throat. She traced the ridge on the underside of his member and circled her thumb on the head. Jerzy clenched his jaw and sucked in a breath through his teeth at the pleasurable sensation. Emboldened, she reached between his legs and fondled his sack. He let out a moan. Rakell’s excitement soared in response. “Lie down on the bed,” she urged.

  Once he was flat on his back on the big bed, she hurriedly got on all fours over top of him and engaged him in a hungry kiss. She moved her lips from his mouth down to his chest, kissing his skin and teasing his nipples with her tongue. Jerzy’s large hands grabbed on to her behind. She nibbled at his skin and then sat back in his lap to rake her fingernails down his chest and smooth her hands down his muscular thighs. As her hands moved back up his thighs and over his hip bones she noticed that he arched his back slightly. She immediately brought her mouth down to the sensitive spot at the meeting of his thigh and hip. She kissed at it and licked at it, eliciting a sigh of pleasure. Unable to wait any longer, Rakell positioned herself and clutched his hard member to guide it. Her eyes locked on his, she slowly lowered herself, taking the thick length of him deep inside of her. For a moment she sat motionless, holding onto the initial feeling of total fullness. Then she began a slow, steady ride, allowing both of them to enjoy a searing, gradual ascent to a splendid release.

  Jerzy’s hands were all over her, loving her soft brown skin. As she rode him, he caressed her behind, her back, her shoulders, her breasts, her stomach and her hips. “You’re so beautiful,” he uttered.

  She believed him. Rakell believed for once in her life that she was beautiful. She also felt powerful, yet vulnerable and fearful. She feared that she would not have him in her life for much longer and that her heart would be left severely weakened. Being intimate with him was a divine experience. She felt loved from all angles. She didn’t want to let go. Rakell blinked away the tears that were beginning to form. She placed her hands over his as he caressed her breasts. She closed her eyes and added gentle gyrations to her movement. She moaned as she found her sweet spot and then angled her hips to continue the stimulation.

  Once she began to bounce eagerly on top of him, Jerzy knew she was close. He lifted his hips up from the bed to meet her downward motions.

  Jerzy’s thrusts soon sent Rakell over the edge. “J!” she exclaimed as her body was racked with pleasure. She slumped forward, zapped of energy.

  Jerzy hadn’t finished yet. As Rakell caught her breath, he caressed her face, kissed her wrists and felt her pulse against his lips, and stroked her breasts as he waited for her nerves to cool down.

  She finally looked at him with a shy smile. “Sorry.”

  He chuckled, finding her sudden coyness adorable. He pulled on her arms. “Come here, Baby.”

  With him still hard inside her, she leaned forward and kissed him, lying on top of him with her legs cradled between his. Jerzy embraced her and flipped her over on her back as they kissed. He allowed his body to rest fully against hers. Rakell was pressed firmly into the bed by his weight. She felt safe and aroused as her entire body was in contact with his. He began to rock back and forth inside of her. Rakell was surprised to feel tension building between her legs again. As Jerzy moved, his body slid against hers, rubbing her nipples, belly and thighs with his skin. Both of them moaned at the pleasing friction. He kissed at her jawline as he drove into her. Jerzy’s rocking felt very good to Rakell, inside and out. Since they were sandwiched so close together he was brushing against her clit with the base of his member with each thrust. Rakell was struck with a second rapturous orgasm. “Yes, yes!” she cried and grasped at his back. Tears spilled from her eyes as the waves crashed through her body. Jerzy fists clenched the sheets and he moaned her name as he came hard inside her.

  He rested his forehead on her shoulder as he recouped. Drowsy with affection for him, Rakell kissed Jerzy’s shoulder and languidly rubbed his damp back. Jerzy lifted his face and studied her moist eyes with his tired ones. He smiled and kissed her, wagging his tongue side to side in her mouth until she laughed against his lips. He pulled away and admired her smile. “That’s what I love to see.” He pulled out of her and transferred most of his weight to his left side to lie beside her. Rakell turned onto her side and they cuddled up, her back to his front, and, after Jerzy gave Rakell a final kiss on the cheek, they fell asleep.

  In the morning, gentle sun rays stirred Jerzy from his sleep. He woke up with a beautiful woman in his arms and a hard-on between his legs. He nuzzled at Rakell’s shoulder until she opened her eyes. He hugged her and waited for her to smile. He needed that smile. It reassured him that he was still welcomed in her life. He believed that her most honest assessment of him was when she was just waking up to him touching her. At that moment he was the first and only thing on her mind. Her response to his presence in her mind and her presence in his arms needed to be a smile. Otherwise, he knew it was time to leave. He ignored that warning sign in past relationships. Rakell smiled and his heart fluttered. He nudged at the meeting of her thighs with his hardness. Instantly Rakell drew her right leg back and rested it on top of his to part her thighs and give him access. He reached his hand down her front between her legs and worked her button until she was warm and wet for him. Remaining in the spooning position, he entered her from behind while cupping her breast. They made love, moving together, meeting each other’s bodies in their practiced rhythm. Rakell learned that Jerzy’s stamina was incredible first thing in the morning. There was no need for a cup of coffee to remove the sleep from her eyes. Her body was awakened by the slightest touch of his loving hands. She became charged when he was near, and once they were together it was difficult to pull away. Like two magnets. />
  Wearing Jerzy’s white button-down and nothing more, Rakell went to Jerzy’s side as he cooked omelets and hash browns in his gourmet kitchen. She readied cups of hot green tea to complete the morning meal. They sat at the dining table and ate. Jerzy was quiet. He studied her messy hair, her feminine curves filling out his white shirt, her stunning dark eyes, her glowing brown skin, and her lips that could part into the most captivating smiles. She was humble, funny, smart, sensual and adventurous. Rakell had passed every test his heart administered, but he found himself still doubting the truth.

  Rakell frowned. “Is everything okay, Jerzy?”

  He shook his head. “I’m being haunted by the past.”

  Rakell’s heart hurt to see the sadness in his troubled eyes. She went to him and straddled him in his seat. His hands found her hips. Rakell ran her fingers through his hair and stroked his ears. “The first time we made love and you held me afterward, I started crying because I was thinking about the past. In the past, I was made to feel like my body was undesirable and that all I had between my legs was a convenient receptacle. Now I know that my body is a source of pleasure and a vessel for new life. I’m beautiful in my eyes now, because I am beautiful in yours. Don’t think. Just feel. That’s what you told me our first night together. We’ve got to let go of the past to really appreciate what we have in this moment.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  “I know.” Rakell initiated a tender kiss. She felt his longing and vulnerability as his lips sought hers.

  Jerzy wrapped his arms around her waist and gazed into her eyes. “Nothing in the world makes me happier than to see you smile. I keep getting worried that you’ll leave like other women in my life have, and that some other guy will get your smiles, your laughs, your hugs and your kisses. I can’t get enough of you. I honestly don’t know if I could take it if you weren’t in my life.”

  Tears spilled from Rakell’s eyes. Her lips and her stomach were trembling. Her thighs squeezed closer to his sides. “Jerzy, I…” She stopped herself from confessing the depth of her feelings, stopped herself from saying those three dangerous words. She shook her head. “Jerzy, I don’t want to go. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. I’ve been thinking that maybe I’ve been so attached to you because you’re the only man I’ve shared myself with completely, other than my ex. But really I feel so close to you because you’ve shared yourself completely with me, too. Not just your body, your time, or your money. You shared your heart. I don’t know if I could have survived another aimless year without you. I never imagined I could be this happy. I could be right here with you forever,” her voice broke.

  Jerzy clenched his jaw to control his emotions. His eyes were wet. “I feel the same way.”

  Rakell smiled through her tears and hugged him around the neck. Jerzy buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent, holding her close. For once the feelings he had for the special woman in his life weren’t lopsided. He didn’t feel obsessive, too intense, clingy or needy. He wanted…No, he needed her the same way she needed him. He grinned and kissed at her neck. He was ecstatic, but fearful. Now what? We want to be together, but I’m still her student. Maybe if he dropped out of school that would solve everything. It was time he seriously looked into the college’s policy on students dating faculty members, so he could take Rakell out on little adventures any time of the day he wanted.

  Rakell used to think she had a low libido, but what she’d actually been suffering from was low satisfaction. Now that she was with a passionate man who knew her body, who wanted her satisfaction more than his own, and who was well-endowed, she wanted sex all the time. Jerzy had no problem meeting her needs. Rakell and Jerzy spent the entire weekend together between her place and his penthouse, and at his restaurant, enjoying good food and enjoying each other. Returning to work Monday morning was like walking the plank over shark-swarmed waters. Imagine her surprise when one of the sharks smiled at her.

  “Hello, Professor Dunn,” Alisa beamed.


  “How was your weekend?”

  “Very good. Thanks.”

  Alisa nodded. “So you did the right thing?”

  Rakell blinked. “You mean ending it with you-know-who?”


  “Sure. It’s over, so you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about it ever again.”

  Alisa grinned and sighed with relief. “Thank you.”

  Rakell continued to her office. “Wow,” she murmured under her breath. Seated behind her desk she immediately noticed something missing. She looked behind the keyboard, underneath the papers on her desk and in all the drawers, but couldn’t find her special yellow pencil anywhere. “That damn cleaning lady,” she grumbled. This wasn’t the first time her personal property was regarded as trash and removed by the cleaning lady. Rakell should have put the pencil in one of the drawers instead of on top of the desk to keep it from that old woman’s indiscriminate eyes. Annoyed, Rakell went about her usual tasks. She was startled twenty minutes in by Alisa’s voice bursting from the intercom speaker on the telephone. “Professor Dunn, there’s a delivery here for you,” the receptionist spat, barely concealing her anger.

  Rakell opened the door and smiled when she saw the bouquet on the corner of Alisa’s desk. She knew immediately who they were from. Alisa glared at Rakell as she walked down the hall to claim her gift, but it didn’t faze Rakell. She picked up the gorgeous arrangement of delicate pink Oriental lilies and pink roses. She touched her nose to a rose and inhaled its gentle scent. The card tied to the vase simply read:




  Rakell grinned. Feeling the hole that the blonde was burning into her face with her gaze, Rakell finally looked at the girl. Rakell shrugged. “What can I say? The boy is hooked.”

  Alisa’s jaw dropped. Her nose wrinkled in disgust and confusion. She huffed and puffed but had nothing to say. Rakell chuckled and sashayed back to her office, sniffing the precious flowers in her hands.

  As soon as Rakell closed the office door behind her, Alisa picked up the phone and called the dean’s office.

  The next day, Rakell found Alisa in a good mood, bubbly, just like her usual self. You are freakin’ bipolar, little girl. At least that meant Alisa wasn’t holding a grudge against her any longer.

  “Good morning, Professor Dunn!”

  “Good morning, Alisa.”

  Rakell went to her office. She tried to grade some papers but her mind was elsewhere. She hadn’t spent any time with Jerzy yesterday except for a couple minutes after class. He hadn’t made any plans with her for today either. She missed him terribly after only one day apart, and her skeptical mind was having a field day analyzing Jerzy’s words and actions and interpreting them into evidence that his interest in her was deteriorating. Was he bored with her already? Was he about to do what her ex-husband did, doing a 180 degree personality change now that he knew he had her wrapped around his finger? Maybe he’d come to the realization that being in an outwardly mismatched relationship with her was more work than he was willing to do. In her heart she knew if she called Jerzy up and expressed her concerns he would gently scold her and lull her fears with adoring words in his deep soothing voice. Still, she needed to actually hear it or she’d drive herself crazy the rest of the day. As she reached for her handbag to get her cell phone, there was a knock at her door. She sat up straight in her chair, hoping it was Jerzy. “Come in,” she called.

  It was Fiona Guzman, assistant dean of the college. The heavyset woman adjusted the jacket of her red pantsuit after locking the door behind her. Her long, wavy black hair was always kept in a braided ponytail. “Hello, Rakell.”

  “Good morning, Mrs. Guzman. Um…What brings you to my office?”

  Guzman sat in the chair in front of Rakell’s desk. “Professor Dunn, I got an anonymous phone call yesterday from a person who accuses you of being involved with one of your male students. What do you make
of that?”

  Rakell’s chest burned with anger. “Did she—or he—tell you the name of the student?”


  Rakell nodded though her heart was sinking. “Piotrowsky visits my office a lot. He’s an interesting young man and I enjoy talking to him. I can see how our casual banter would raise questions.”

  “I see. I’m inclined to believe you. You’ve been an asset to this college for the last seven years. However…”

  Jerzy decided to take the chance and visit Rakell at her office. He’d have to be strong and make sure they kept their hands to themselves. They’d been lucky not to get caught the last time he visited her office. Now that he’d done some research, he knew the frightening details of what could happen to Rakell in terms of her teaching career and her life. Simmons County Community College could even take legal action against her. Dropping Rakell’s class and ending his enrollment at the college was the smart thing to do. He was headed to break that news to Rakell.